- Luxface -

Acrylic Translucent Diffusion Service

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Acrylic Translucent Diffusion

Diffusions & Effects

Control Opacity, Light, and Reflectiveness

Our curated collection of whites, diffusions, and effects spans the gamut from opaque to translucent.

Finishes take designs to the next level. Architects and Designers love the ability to add that extra polish to their vision.
resin panels
resin decorative panels, material solutions

Enhance Your Design
By Adding Extra Dynamism

Choose Your Material

Available in our Resin & Glass collections

Make a Statement

Add a Color or an Interlayer

Use an Effect or Diffusion

Create something unique

Finish It

Enhance your design

Controlling Opacity Managing Diffusion

Utilize these enhancements to optimize lighting of luxface materials.


DiffusionsLight Up Your Vision

These light diffusing whites offer different levels of translucency for backlit or daylight situations.


EffectsGet a Bespoke Look

Each of our Effects are designed to create a unique look on their own or in combination with our Color Portfolio.
